Top 5 web trends of 2015. #webdesign #mobilemarketing #innovation


Top 5 Web Trends of 2015

1. Mobile Focus

Americans spend an average of 2 1/2 hours per days on mobile devices. 57% of consumers will NOT recommend a company with a website that looks bad on a mobile device. Mobile accounts for 60% of total digital media time spent by Americans. 90% of people use multiple device screens sequentially.

2. Interactive Scrolling

Parallax Scrolling originally refers to a technique in 2D video games to show depth by having the background move slower than the foreground. Parallax is a fantastic technique for visually engaging the user by using layers of images to create a 3D effect.

3. Flat Design

Flat design features clean design with open space, crisp edges with open space, bright colors and two-dimensional illustrations without 3D effects.

4. Single Page

Condensing content works. With one page websites, it’s better to tell a story with visuals rather than text.

5. Clean Simple Layout

Clean simple layouts provide an easy user experience to guide visitors along a path to action. Consumers are 40% more likely to engage with brands that integrate high quality, professional photography into their website. In ecommerce, 67% of consumers say the quality of product photography is very important in their purchasing decisions.

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