Winners think differently because they rewire their brains for success. Apply these 8 MRI-tested brain hacks.

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Winning personalities seem to think differently: they beat long odds in a short time, rise fast above their peers, and stage spectacular comebacks.

Winners think differently because they rewire their brains for success: Apply these 8 MRI-tested brain hacks to join their ranks:

Know the one given: Yourself Brutal honesty about your strengths and weaknesses comes with a reward: self-awareness. Knowing yourself helps assess your intuitions. If you know what you’re doing, act – don’t question yourself.

Map Your Path and Walk It hard Find sources of motivation than money and success. Translate short-term leaps and setbacks into a long-term roadmap – and keep going.

Focus on your ACTION – know the techical ins and outs like the back of your hand. Go with the flow of your creation – your rock-solid skills should take care of the rest.

Social on Mobile. 399M #Facebook users who login, 211M monthly #Twitter active mobile users, 41% of #LinkedIn visits.


Discover why social media is becomign one of the most important factors in brand promotion, customer loyalty, and CRM strategies. Mobile data traffic increased over 80% with video as a strong driver. Mobile apps make up 68% of money made on mobile whilst advertising makes up 32% of mobile monetization. Moble makes up 11% of the total online advertising. Latest data shows that 71% of users access social media from a mobile device. These numbers show why some of the biggest global brands are using social media for promotion, but also to keep in touch with their users on the go. 399 million users who login only from mobile devices. 211 million monthly active mobile users on Twitter.

Traffic referrals from Facebook mobile reached 8% by January 2014 which is 51% of all Facebook referrals. 75% of Pinterest usage comes through mobile applications. 41% of Linkedin visits are mobile, users view 15 million profiles daily from their smartphones and tablets. The top 5 industries that provide customer care on social media: airlines, finance, telecom, retail, and fashion.